The new kittens have names!

Here’s a little back story. When I find kittens I want to save, I always send the info to my husband. When he saw the shelter picture of the Tuxedo boy, this is what he sent me.

‘We can foster him if we could name him “Head Wound Harry”.’ I had no idea what he was talking about. Then he sent me this video link. I said absolutely not!! But I ended up agreeing so we could foster him. I sent him info of another solo kitten from the same shelter. “Get them both.” We were calling the ginger “Potter”, but I wasn’t feeling it.

After posting the introduction video, people suggested names. There were a pair of names I really liked so I texted that to my husband. He was set on the “Harry” and “Potter” so I didn’t think he would agree to changing. I see the three dots on the text, then he typed “hmmm…That’s not bad.” I took that as yes, and ran with it! Watch the video to find out their names. 😉

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