
ついに直接対面へ!【ブリティッシュショートヘア・多頭飼い】先住ねこと新入りねこ仲良くなるまでの道のりお家に来て14日目の様子 Face-to-face

Thank you for watching 😊


July 31st, a 3-month-old British shorthair kitten Chai and a native cat Nico came to our house.
It is a record until we get to know each other (this time on the 14th day)
Niko-chan, a native cat who was intimidating through the gauge, was relaxing little by little, so I met her directly without the gauge in the final STEP.
Did Nico and Chai get along well?

先住ねこと新入りねこが仲良くなるまでの道のり お家に来て3日目の様子

The road to getting along with the indigenous cats and new cats is up in the series, and if you look at them together, you can see how they get along little by little. Please enter from the link below.
The road to getting along with the indigenous cat and the new cat on the third day after coming to the house

縄張りに入るな!激おこ 5日目の様子

突然の急接近でもギリギリセーフ!? 6日目の様子

ハラハラドキドキ初めての対面 7日目の様子

ついに直接対面へ! 14日目の様子

仲良しになった猫 21日目の様子


#多頭飼い #ブリティッシュショートヘア #直接対面

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