
How Much Better than Humans Can Cats See in the Dark? #shorts #cats #shortsfeed #factsaboutanimals

Cats are renowned for their remarkable night vision. How Much Better than Humans Can Cats See in the Dark? #shorts #cats #shortsfeed #factsaboutanimals They possess a set of unique adaptations that enable them to see in low light conditions more effectively than humans. Here are some fascinating facts about their exceptional night vision:
Cats have larger pupils: Their eyes feature vertically elongated pupils that can dilate and contract rapidly, allowing more light to enter their eyes and enhancing their vision in low light situations.
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Tapetum lucidum: Cats have a specialized layer of tissue called the tapetum lucidum located behind their retinas. This structure reflects light back through the retina, giving it a second chance to stimulate the light-sensitive cells and maximizing their ability to see in dim lighting.

More rod cells: Cats have a higher concentration of rod cells in their retinas compared to humans. Rod cells are responsible for detecting motion and detecting light in low-intensity conditions, giving cats an edge in low light environments.

Wider field of view: Cats have a wider peripheral vision than humans, allowing them to detect movement and objects even in dimly lit surroundings. This enhances their ability to navigate and hunt effectively during nighttime.

Adapted eye structure: Cats’ eyes are specifically designed for capturing and processing light in dim conditions. Their corneas, lenses, and retinas work together to focus and amplify available light, enabling them to see in incredibly low light levels

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