
I put it in the trunk to bury the kitten that was hit by the car, but a miracle happened.

We didn’t know we were going to witness a miracle when we put it in the trunk of car to bury the kitten that had been run over by the car on the highway half an hour ago. We found this kitten on the road half an hour ago. A car had hit the mother cat and the kitten. The mother cat’s body was dismembered. Because the kitten was lying motionless and heartless on the floor, I thought it was dead. I put the kitten in the trunk of my car to bury it somewhere. When I came home half an hour later, when I wanted to open the trunk of my car and bury the cat, the cat opened its eyes. Do not forget to activate the subtitles button in order to read the subtitles in your language.

00:00 The miraculous rescue story of the kitten.
01:44 Day 2 of the kitten’s treatment.
02:45 Day 3 of the kitten’s treatment.
04:00 The kitten was rescued and adopted by us.
04:31 The first meeting of our baby and kitten.
05:48 Epileptic attack of the kitten.

You can watch videos of the cats – kittens we rescued from the street and adopted. In addition, we help many stray animals in our country in terms of feeding, housing, sterilization and treatment. You can support us by watching videos of thousands of animals in need of help.

➡The motto of our channel;
Love, feed, neuter and protect animals. ”TNR” – “Adopt, Don’t Shop”

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