
Homeless newborn kitten crying out loud for Mother cat

Today we got two newborn kittens ,we were doing street feeding from a distance we heard their cries, when we approached there were two black kittens.There we saw a cat we think she is their mother but when we got close to her, we found out that it was not their mother because while doing street feeding we have seen this cat before.

Black kittens are considered inauspicious in our community If it cuts the road ahead, people consider it bad luck and considerd negative thoughts.Having a black cat and kitten in the house is considered a bad luck people also just don’t like to keep a stray cat in the house and the black cats is looked down upon anyway

Because of this reason these kittens have been thrown out of the house, we felt so sorry for these kittens we gave them special formula milk for feeding because they were very hungry and we brought them to our house because they are a source of good luck for us.

When we reached home cat Jasmine saw them, she was very astonished as usual her behaviour with new kittens was not good but cat Luna as usual became very happy after seeing the kittens and gave them mother love.We will not put much burden on the cat Luna ,We’re making kittens a bottle feed.

In this video, you will also see the cat Poppy whom we rescued few days ago, she is feeding her kittens and loving them.


My daily routine……

Help poor cats 🐈
Help stray cats 🐈
Help Hungry cats 🐈

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#Teddykittenrescuecenter #abondonedkittens #Kittenslookingformother #hungrytwobabykittens #twokittens #kittenmeow #kittencallingmother #attempt #kittenvideos #trytosavelifeoftwokittens #kittenscrying #streetkittensdrinkingmilk #kittenswithouthome #kittensdrinkingmilk #Black kittens

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