Occurred on March 28, 2022 / Murcia, Spain
My wife and I were walking my dog around my neighborhood when we heard noises coming from a dumpster. When I looked out and saw that they were crying, I entered the container, breaking the bag where the sound came from and found 2 newborn cats who still had their umbilical cords. We believe that they must have been thrown away very recently because, with so little air, they could not last long. We kept the garbage bag they were in because there was a bottle that surely contained fingerprints. We filed a complaint with the local police, but they ignored it saying that the scientific police did not act in these cases. We took them home and later to the vet. We are feeding them with a bottle, although in these cases they have little chance of survival due to the absence of the mother. So far the kittens are safe and well.
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